Wednesday 20 August 2014


Now a day, every 2nd person is suffering from back pain, the pain in the lower back. It is common in old aged men and women and in pregnant ladies. Back pain can be due to poor postural habits, strains & also muscles tension. A person suffering from back pain may get relief by the following remedies:-


·        Massage with mustard oil for severe back aches.
·        Garlic should be included in diet or regular basis.
·        Cardamom with honey shows the best results at time of back ache
·        Keep one warm & eat only hot items in case of chronic back pain.
·        Bail, tulsi leaves in water until syrup is reduced to half of actual size and add salt after cooling.
·        Half tea spoon of jiggery is very effective that can be eaten with warm water after meal only.
·        Take a or jute bag full of ice, now start massaging with that bag. It helps to reduce inflammation in the back.
·        Sleeping on firm mattresses facing to the ceiling helps to have proper blood flow and reducing the aches.
·        Exercise is also one of the best ways to keep fit from all types of aches.

·        Massage with any ointment will also be useful.

Tuesday 19 August 2014


Health is an asset. Everyone wants a good physique & mentally sound body. We spent nearly ¼ of our income on health related products , which doesn't gives the desire results but can weaken our body cells & some time satal too.
                            So, here comes the solution of all your health related problems. You don’t have to go anywhere, nor you have to spent huge part of your income. You can get remedies at your home only in the easiest & cheapest way by reading the content below.
                                             For any other queries you ask in the comment section, we will be grateful to help you all:

Around 200 million of people over the world are suffering from diabetes and the number is increasing day by day. Diabetes is a condition where the body can’t produce enough insulin hormones. Diabetes being a lifestyle disorder with few changes in lifestyle can be effectively controlled.
  •  here are two types of diabetes :-

1.    IDDM(insulin dependent diabetes mellitus )
2.    NIDDM( non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus )

       TYPE 1.  IDDM (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus):-
                  Peoples can no longer produce insulin. This means that glucose stays in the blood stream and doesn't get into the cells, causing blood glucose levels to go too high.
 Peoples suffering from IDDM need to:-

    •         Take insulin every day
    •   Eat  a healthy, balanced diet
    •                      Check their blood sugar level time to time
    •          Get regular physical activity
TYPE2. NIIDM (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus ):-
           It is chronic disease in which there is a high sugar level in the blood.
 people suffering from NIIDM need to:-

  •  Take proper diet
  •  Control weight
  • Get regular physical exercise
  •  Take medications to treat diabetes
  • Foot care
     Apart from all these, a diabetic person should intake
               the following tips:-

    •  Reduce salt intake to less than 5.8 gm daily
    •  Add garlic to your meal once in a while, as it reduces the blood pressure cholesterol.
    •  Eat more vegetables & fiber rich food
    •  Eat more fish &poultry without the skin is better
    • Avoid smoking
    • Cut down alcohol & calories Monitor your fasting glucose
    • Bitter gourd, black berry seeds (jaamun beej), ladyfinger are the most effective one in diabetes.
    •  Exercising should be an integral part of a diabetic routine lifestyle. The most common exercise to be followed is to include thirty minutes to one hour brisk walking.
    •  One could practice TAI CHI, the Chinese form of exercise yoga has always benefited people and incorporating yoga is a must in a diabetic schedule.