Monday 27 October 2014

Here are 5 simple tips to reduce high cholesterol:

-Minimise use of oil or ghee while cooking
-Add garlic and fresh amla to your diet
-Have oats in breakfast without sugar
-Take 1-2 cloves daily with your main meal
-Eat food items with lots of antioxidants like citrus fruits, nuts and vegetables

Friday 24 October 2014

Add tangy tomato to your cuisine for its amazing benefits:

-Tomato is biologically a fruit that is famous as a vegetable as it is widely used in cooking
-Chromium content in tomato controls blood sugar
-It has Lycopene that protects your skin against harmful ultraviolet rays
-Tomato juice mixed with carrot juice increases your haemoglobin levels
-Eating 2 ripe tomatoes in the morning helps you lose weight


- Use Organic coconut oil while cooking improves Heart health.
- Massaging your feet & head with a mixture of coconut oil & water reduces Body heat.
- Taking 2tsp Organic coconut oil daily for 12 weeks reduces Tummy fat.
- Rubbing a mixture of coconut oil (50gm) & juice of 2 lemons relieves Itching.
- Coconut oil keeps your Brain healthy.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

5 Tips to Keep Skin Soft and Glowing In Winter

1. Wash in Lukewarm Water
Hot showers and baths always feel good in the winter, but when you can, particularly when just washing your face or hands, choose lukewarm water to avoid stripping as many OILS away from the skin.

2. Moisturize Immediately Afterwards
Your skin not only needs more moisture, but moisture right after you wash. Applying moisture to damp skin helps seal that dampness into the skin. Keep a bottle near the bathtub, shower stall, and at every sink and use liberally every time you wash.

3. Choose Moisturizer Carefully
Some over-the-counter moisturizers have petroleum-based ingredients that can actually further dry your skin in the winter months. Be sure to choose a smart formula that has natural, nourishing ingredients. Go for an oil-based rather than a water-based solution, as it’s more likely to help your skin retain moisture in the winter. Try Indie Lee’s natural moisturizing OILS, as they’re made with natural, hydrating ingredients like lavender, chamomile, jojoba, and more, which help soothe dry, itchy skin.

4. Protect
Get used to wearing gloves and scarves to protect skin from cold winds, rain, and snow. Also, don’t forget the sunscreen. Winter sun can be just as damaging as summer sun, so apply a safe option like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to any exposed areas.

5. Humidify
Heating systems dry out the air, so consider installing a humidifier in your home, particularly in your bedroom, to put moisture back into the air and help prevent your skin from drying out.

Add SUNFLOWER Seeds in your DIET for its superb health benefits :-

* Sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E that keeps your skin young & smooth.
* They help in protecting against Heart ailments, Asthma ,Ulcers & Joints pain.
* Selenium content in Sunflower seeds prevents from Cancer.
* They are full of Copper & Magnesium that keeps your Bones healthy.
* Sunflower helps in soothing your Nerves & help you De-stress & relax.

Monday 20 October 2014

Benefits of Radish :-

* Radish is rich in Sodium phosphorus,Magnesium,Chlorine & Vitamins A,B,C.
* Eating Raw Radish with its leaves cures Constipation.
* Radish is beneficial in Jaundice,Diabetes & Urinary ailments.
* It lowers Cholestrol level & High BP.
* Gargling with warm juice of Radish mixed with a pinch of Rock salt relieves pain & swelling in the throat.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Three Tips to Clear Negative Energy from Your Home

Rock salt can be added to the water which is used for mopping the floor. When the floor of the house is wiped with this salt water, it removes the negative energy in the house and brings in harmony.

Remove all broken glass items,watches beyond repair, old unfit locks, rusted keys, old clothes which are never worn and things which are never used and gather dust from your home.This will clear away most of the negative energy in the house.

Squeeze half a lemon off his juice. Turn the rind inside out and light a lamp with ghee. Ghee produces a lot of oxygen and when this blends with the citrus aroma it brings you a lot of positivity. [Be careful of the flame though]


* Rub dried Orange Peel Powder at bedtime over your teeth.
* Gently Rub Strawberries over your teeth twice a day.
* Use 3-4 Drops Margosa Oil with toothpaste or Chew Lettuce leaves.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Here are some more tips on how you can control hair loss.

- Walnuts: The omega 6 fats, protein, zinc, iron and vitamins B1, B6 and B9 present in walnuts work against hair loss. Not only that, but walnuts also help build a better brain. But a word of caution, have walnuts in moderation.
- Fish: According to a study, excess of testosterone leads to hair loss. And fish provides the kind of       protein which is less in testosterone.
- Eggs: Eggs being rich in omega 6 fatty acids, iron, zinc, proteins and vitamin B12 help reduce hair fall.

Eat healthy, keep your hair healthy!

Don’t throw those peels away! Here are simple tips to use them:

-Keep dried skin of bitter gourd (Karela) with pulses and white flour to avoid infestation of worms
-Burn dried skin of banana in the evening to remove odour in the environment
-Grind fresh lemon peels and apply on your forehead to relieve headache
-Rub fresh peels of bottle gourd (Lauki) on your face for a shiny skin
-Boil peels of pomegranate and rinse your mouth with this water to treat bad breath

Gram flour or besan in Hindi is a great remedy for good skin and hair. Discover its uses:

-Make a paste of 2 tsp gram flour, 2 tsp sandalwood powder, 1 pinch turmeric powder and 2 tsp milk. Apply it on your face and wash off with cool water.

Easy home remedies for treating Mouth Ulcers:

-Chew 4-6 leaves of holy basil (tulsi) with water 4-5 times a day
-Add a pinch of turmeric to half a tsp of honey and apply it on the ulcer
-Drink a glass of buttermilk 2-3 times in a day
-Apply clarified butter (ghee) directly on the ulcer
-Drink a mixture of ½ tsp of licorice powder with a pinch of turmeric in a glass of warm milk 3 times a day

Top 5 important tips to reduce high LDL Cholesterol:

-Have oats for breakfast without sugar and add garlic and fresh amla to your diet
-Eat 1-2 small cloves daily with your main meal and use olive oil for cooking
-Take half a raw onion juice daily to boost good HDL cholesterol
-Do regular exercises and pranayamas
-Eat antioxidant rich foods like citrus fruits,nuts and vegetables

Friday 17 October 2014

Enhance your wellness with benefits of Punarnava herb:

-Eat it as a dish to treat anaemia and enhance wellness
-Apply the paste of its root mixed with honey to stop watering eyes
-Take its 5gm powder with 10 gm honey twice a day to lose weight

Try this easy remedy to treat stomach worms:

-Eat a tomato sprinkled with powdered black pepper
-Eat it early in the morning on an empty stomach

Discover the wonderful benefits of Lemongrass for your health:

-It helps relieve headaches,muscle pain,tummy ache, joint pain etc.
-It helps lower high cholesterol, treats constipation & gastroenteritis
-It helpful for skin issues such as acne and pimples

Cost Free Way To Detox Yourself!

Most people go for various detox diets and methods for better health. But these diets cost a lot of time and effort. There is a better and cost free way to detoxify your body with excellent results. You may simply walk, jog and exercise instead! Yes, the more you sweat, the better will be the detoxification. The key lies in flushing out the bodily toxins via perspiration.
Sweat throws out heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic from your body. These metal traces can harm your heart, kidney and brain. Perspiration also removes toxins like phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) compounds from your body.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Discover the amazing benefits of Bakuchi seeds:

-They help treat alopecia, eczema, psoriasis and other skin ailments
-They act as an aphrodisiac, help relieve diarrhea & abdominal pain
-They help treat uterine bleeding, urinary incontinence and asthma

Enhance your wellness with Gokshura Fruit

-It helps relieve urinary tract infection, infertility & prostate problems
-It is a great diuretic that clears excess fluids from your system
-It helps treat itchy skin, eye inflammations & balances serotonin level

Sunday 12 October 2014

Sodium is essential for your health in many ways:

-It balances blood PH level, BP and other bodily fluids
-It helps in transmission of nerve signals & muscular movement
-It should be consumed within the range of 1500-2300 mg/day

Improve your wellness with benefits of Butternut Squash:

-It is full of dietary fibere that helps in digestion and weight loss
-It has mono-unsaturated fatty acids that boost heart health
-It helps lower bad cholesterol and enhances eye health

Saturday 11 October 2014

Add Dill herb to your diet for its amazing benefits:

-Its leaves are great mouth fresheners & help improve oral health
-It is loaded with calcium that strengthens bones after menopause
-It also helps induce good sleep & regular menstrual cycle

Why Not Get Brainier With Age?

Ever wondered how you can improve your IQ? Studies show that you can become smarter. This does not mean that you start using more of your brain. It simply means that you can enhance your cognitive skills.
You can surely train your brain to perform better in the areas that you want. For example, if you want to become a better athlete, you need to practice and re-wire your brain to not feel tired easily. You can do it with regular practice, loads of exercise, balanced diet, adequate rest and meditation.

One entertaining way to wind up a neuroscientist is to pretend to believe the popular notion that we use only 10% of our brains.
This myth is the premise of Luc Besson’s new film, Lucy, starring Scarlett Johansson as a woman who overdoses on a designer drug that supercharges her intelligence. The 10% figure, as Besson happily acknowledges, is utter cobblers. It persists, not because it’s true, but because it captures a nagging feeling that we could be doing vastly more with our minds, if only we knew how.
The ideas in this edition of Do Something won’t change the percentage of your brain that you use, but they might improve your cognitive skills, while delivering the pleasing sensation of getting brainier. The key isn’t how much of your mental capacity you’re using: it’s what you’re using it for.
To get smarter, of course, you need to decide what you mean by “smarter”. There’s little doubt that giving your mind a workout – on cryptic crosswords or sudoku, say, or memorising the capitals of US states – will make you better at that specific task. There’s also plenty of research demonstrating the benefits of treating your brain like the physical organ it is – which means plenty of aerobic exercise, a healthy diet, sufficient sleep, maybe some meditation. In studies on mice, it wasn’t mentally stimulating activities that spurred the biggest cognitive improvements: it was running on treadmills.
Tweaking your surroundings, even your clothing, might help: in one intriguing study, wearing a lab coat, stereotypically associated with braininess, appeared to boost performance on certain tests. And if all you care about is appearing smarter to others, social psychology has all sorts of suggestions: speak confidently and expressively; smile rather than frown; wear glasses; and use a middle initial. (In a recent experiment, “David F Clark” was rated as a better intellect than “David Clark”; “David F P R Clark” did even better.)
When researchers talk about improving brainpower, what they care about most is “fluid intelligence” – the general ability to manipulate information, solve problems and generate ideas. Unlike sudoku skills, fluid intelligence is transferable: if you could enhance it, you’d expect to reap benefits in multiple areas of life.
So can you? Few topics in psychology are more controversial, but the most promising evidence comes from a remarkably unpleasant brain-training game called the “dual n-back”, which involves a visual and aural memory test – you can try it at The key finding is that getting smarter entails doing things that feel uncomfortably hard. Once you’re a crossword champion, by all means carry on doing crosswords for fun. But if you want to get smarter, do something you’re not good at.
This insight – that becoming brainier needs to feel a little tough – helps answer another fraught question: is technology making us smarter, or more stupid? It depends. Use it to eliminate cognitive tasks, and there could be a negative effect – that’s why it’s worth challenging yourself to navigate without GPS. Use it to expose yourself to demanding new material, on the other hand, and it’ll help. In his book Curious, Ian Leslie argues that we need to cultivate “epistemic curiosity” – not a scattered quest for novelty, but a focused, disciplined commitment to mastering new terrain.
Instead of leaping from one topic to another online, pick one subject and plunge deeply; put down your tablet and seek out books, or others who share your interest; try to retain facts instead of relying on web searches. As Einstein put it, “one should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one’s greatest efforts”. And rumour has it he was pretty clever.

Best-kept secrets greasy facial skin masks

Shred a big and tasty carrot. If it is too sappy add some talc. All of the mash is put on the face. It is recommended for greasy skin, skin full of acne and pale skin. Cut the carrot in small slices, mix it with one powder egg white foam and add flour in order to make a mash. The mask should be put on the face and on the neck. Keep it that way for 15-20 minutes. In the evening you should rub it with cotton wool soaked in a cabbage juice.

Squeeze a white and red currant juice(one hand white,one hand red), mix it with 1 spoon of potato flour, and put one spoon of the mixture on the face. It reduces the pores.

Put a piece of tomato on the face. It is recommended for greasy skin with large pores

Add nourishment to your skin with this face pack:

-Mix 1 tsp curd, ½ tsp gram flour & mashed neem leaves
-Apply this paste on your face for 15-20 minutes
-Wash it off with cool water to get soft & moisturized skin

Thursday 9 October 2014

Here is a great hair pack to treat dry and damaged hair:

-Mix 3 tsp olive oil with a bowl of curd well
-Massage it on your scalp and hair 
-Wash it off with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes

Did you know this about your bones?

-You are born with 300 bones that reduce to 206 when you grow up
-The strongest bone is femur and the smallest bone is stapes
-Your bone marrow produces 2 million RBC’s every second

Enhance your wellness with pomegranate remedies:

Pyorrhea- rub your teeth and gums with its dried & powdered rind 
Acid reflux- take pomegranate juice & honey in 1:1 ratio thrice/day 
Diarrhoea & Piles- take 50 ml pomegranate juice daily

Rejuvenate yourself with benefits of Jasmine:


-Its essential oil relieves anxiety, depression and insomnia
-Its tea relieves fatigue, stress and acts as an aphrodisiac
-Its oil moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin & keeps it elastic

Home remedy for treating cracked heels:Home remedy for treating cracked heels:


-Make a paste of ripe bananas
-Put this paste on your cracked heels for 10 minutes
-Wash it off with plain water & repeat daily for 2 weeks

How Healthy Eating in Kids Prevent Obesity!

Does your kid like to eat noodles and drink cola often? It may cause your child to turn obese or overweight, health experts warn. Developing a taste for sugary items like sweet biscuits and ice creams makes kids consume extra calories. It may lead to childhood obesity! Junk foods are loaded with calories and minimal nutrition that makes kids obese. It may lead to type 2 diabetes, heart ailments, high blood pressure and even premature death.

Expose your child to tastes of fruits and veggies. Give them nuts to snack on instead of chocolates. Make them play outdoors to keep them active. Keep your kids healthy and dynamic!

Got a headache? Try this home remedy to get relieved:

-Make a paste of 2 tsp cinnamon powder with water
-Apply it on your forehead and temples to get instant relief